Company Nurse
Had an Injury at Work?
Step 1: Employee is responsible for immediately reporting to their Supervisor that they have injured themselves while working.
Step 2: For emergencies, please call 911 for immediate treatment then contact Company Nurse following treatment.
Step 3: For non-emergencies, the employee/supervisor calls Company Nurse at 1-877-778-2576 before leaving the premises. Company Nurse will determine the following:
- First Aid Advice Only - The nurse will obtain information about the incident and will provide advice for home care for the employee to follow. The employee may return to their regular position. If medical condition worsens or does not improve, the employee must call Company Nurse back for a medical referral to a designated clinic.
- Medical Referral - If the nurse determines medical treatment is necessary, Company Nurse will refer the injured employee to a designated clinic for treatment.