Annual Notice
Human Resources is required by Federal and State law, California Education Code, and Policies adopted by the Governing Board of the Travis Unified School District to provide employees with certain legal notifications annually.
The annual notices listed below are for employees to review. Please print the Annual Notices Signature Page and Personnel Record Update and Emergency Notification forms to the right of this page.
Human Resources Documents
Board Policies and Administrative Regulations
- Tobacco-Free Schools - BP 3513.3 AR 3513.3
- Integrated Pest Management - AR 3514.2
- Disruptions - AR 3515.2
- Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace - BP 4020
- Nondiscrimination in Employment - BP 4030
- Employee Use of Technology - BP 4040 AR 4040
- Sexual Harassment - AR 4119.11 / 4219.11 / 4319.11
- Professional Standards - BP 4119.21 / 4219.21 / 4319.21
- Dress and Grooming - BP 4119.22 / 4219.22 / 4319.22
- Universal Precautions - AR 4119.43 / 4219.43 / 4319.43
- Soliciting and Selling - BP 4135 / 4235 / 4335
- Non-school Employment - BP 4136 / 4236 / 4336
- Complaints - BP 4144 / 4244 / 4344
- Employee Assistance Programs - BP 4159 / 4259 / 4359
- Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting - BP 5141.4 AR 5141.4
- Sexual Harassment - Students - BP 5145.7
- Student Suspension and Expulsion - AR 5144.1